29 Best Jet Ski Accessories [#17 is Awesome]

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Jet Ski Accessories

Jet ski accessories are the type of products you’ll need to have more fun out there on the waterways, as well as being safe and legal. In 2022, it’s time to leave the challenges of the year prior behind and let loose out there on the waves or in the inland waterways.

In this guide, I’ll be showing you the best personal watercraft accessories that you should buy regardless of your make and model. From the popular Yamaha and Sea-Doo riders, across to Kawasaki and even Honda, you’ll find some great options here.

List Of Pwc Accessories
29 best jet ski accessories [#17 is awesome] 61

Jet Ski Safety Accessories Guide

Let’s jump straight into this incredible buying guide. Many of these products you’ll find at your local dealership as well as online, sometimes for cheaper and free delivery.

These are the most popular jet ski accessories of 2022:

1. Phone Dry Bag

Everyone brings their phone on to their jet ski but forgets to bring a dry bag. I recommend that you pack a dry back that lives on the jet ski at all times, even when it’s in storage.

Also – don’t get a cheap one. Look at the quality offerings. I really like the Sea to Summit Big River Dry Bag which is very affordable at this time.

2. Jet Ski Anchor

Most often overlooked by beginners is the need to have a jet ski anchor. You don’t realize how important this is to have until you come up to a beach.

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Jet ski anchors aren’t used for anchoring in 20 feet of water. Instead, you’ll use them for keeping your jet ski from drifting away from the beach when you go for a quick 15 minute break.

I have written a complete guide to jet ski anchors here for beginners.

3. Jet Ski Fenders

Very few people actually have jet ski fenders and they should! Sure – the rails on jet skis are pretty tough but those scratches look terrible.

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Jet Ski Fenders, also called bumpers in some regions, are really built only for personal watercraft. They’re small, light and quite affordable so there isn’t any reason why people would avoid these.

I really like these jet ski fenders which are made for Sea-Doo and Yamaha.

4. Telescopic Jet Ski Paddle

Rarely will you see someone with a jet ski paddle and that’s a good thing! This is more of an emergency device than it is for any other reason.

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Essentially, this comes in hand if you’ve run out of gas, get a flat battery, need to draw attention to yourself or even as a rescue aid. My favourite at this time is the Seachoice series which are the smallest in the market once collapsed, meaning they can fit within the front storage locker of your jet ski.

Some people have also used it in place of a jet ski anchor. You bury it in the sand on the land with some rope tied to it which is connected to your jet ski. You’ll need to bury it fairly deep and at a particular angle to actually be effective, plus you’ll be covered with lots of sand afterwards. For under $50, it’s just easier to buy an anchor.

5. Weather-Proof Cover

Jet Ski Covers are just about mandatory if you want to preserve the value of your jet ski. It not only stops the harsh sun from damaging the paintwork and electronics, but also the rain and bird droppings.

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It’s generally best to get a genuine jet ski cover, not a fake imitation. The real covers use superior materials and generally will last as long as the jet ski does.

Can you use your jet ski cover on the highway? There are mixed reports. Some jet ski riders transport their jet skis on the highway with the cover on and have no problems, while others claim their covers suffered cuts and holes after the first 2 to 3 trips at highway speeds.

Generally it’s unnecessary to use your jet ski cover when traveling on the highway unless it’s very hot and sunny. You’ll also need to be mindful that you have properly clipped everything together.

6. First Aid Kit

Every powered marine user needs to have a first aid kit on hand. Yes, even a small one for your jet ski is enough to get by with the total basics.

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You may suffer injuries when riding such as a cut toe or a pinch when pulling up your jet ski anchor. Knowing that you have something to mend the wound and can continue riding within a few minutes is certainly great peace of mind.

In addition, consider the other marine traffic. Kayakers, surfers and SUP riders might need your assistance out there on the waterways.

7. Jet Ski Safety Flares

Just like having a solid first aid kit, you also need to have safety flares in most areas. These can be very small and it’s unlikely you’ll ever use one.

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Be mindful that these safety flares don’t like heat so it’s best to store them at the very bottom of your storage locker. At the same time, make sure they’re easy to reach as you don’t want to be digging through everything when your jet ski is sinking.

Many jet ski riders fail to check their safety flare expiry dates and only realize their error when it’s time to sell. Keep an eye on those dates and discard your flare safely once it’s past this date. Never use a safety flare just for fun with a few buddies one Sunday afternoon as there are serious fines involved if you are caught.

8. Safety Whistle

On your life jacket you really need to have a safety whistle and in most areas it’s also compulsory. Make sure the cord that’s attaching it is also in good shape.

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The whistle otherwise hardly gets used so just be mindful to check this on occasions for any stuck debris or damage.

9. Swimming Pool Noodle

A swimming pool noodle (aka shock tube) is a brilliant idea to prevent sucking up debris into the rear of your jet ski. That includes seaweed, rocks and tow ropes.

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Yes, these don’t look all that attractive. But what’s also not attractive? Having to spend 2 hours in the water paddling back to shore in order to fix a clogged impeller.

You’ll need to buy these and cut them down to length. They are also excellent for inside your front locker to stop items from being thrown around at high speeds such as your anchor and water bottle.

10. Rubbish Bags

This is so often forgotten about. Generally you’ll take some snacks out there with you for a day jet skiing around, but where do you put your rubbish? It looks terrible inside the front locker.

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Sure, you can dispose of certain foods into the ocean but the plastics must be disposed properly. Get yourself some small rubbish bags that live in the front of the jet ski. They also come in handy as vomit bags if your passenger gets sick.

11. Dock Lines and Rope

Having some rope with your jet ski is very important, both for docking safely but also for towing tubes and other another ski. Consider actually having 2 ropes. One attaches to the dock and the other prevents your jet ski from ‘wandering’ out at the rear.

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By having 2 dock lines, you can also better get on and off the jet ski without tumbling over as it will be locked in the same position. When people go from a stationary dock to a buoyant jet ski, that’s generally when accidents happen.

12. Tracking Device

There are two trains of thought here. You get a Spot Tracker to let your friends and family know where you’re going for the day, while having a safety feature working similar to an EPIRB. The other train of thought is a tracking device to stop theft.

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My recommendation? Just get both. The costs for these have dropped significantly in recent years so you can protect both yourself and your jet ski from potential harm.

13. Spare Life Jacket

You’ve always got that friend who wants to come and ride on your jet ski. You’re reluctant but you eventually give in, but what about a life jacket?

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My recommendation is to always have a 2nd lifejacket on standby. There isn’t any need to buy a brand new one. You can find cheap ones in good quality right off Craigslist, Gumtree or Ebay.

👉 Related: The Best Jet Ski Life Jackets (I’ve looked at dozens of varieties in the market)

14. Security Lock

Securing your jet ski with a lock to either your trailer or the dock will go a long way to prevent jet ski theft. The thieves are out there and they’re looking for opportunities to take your pride and joy away from you.

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It’s really inexpensive to get yourself a great quality jet ski lock nowadays. Just keep in mind that you can’t leave it locked for months and months in the rain as they typically corrode and rust out.

15. Jet Ski GPS

We’ve written an extensive guide for jet ski gps devices to help you find the right model for you. Essentially, we would certainly recommend getting one.

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Some people claim that you can now do just fine with a mobile phone. The trouble is signal blackspots as well as accidently dropping your phone into the ocean. Even if it’s in a waterproof case that floats, you still run the risk of it overheating in direct sun which won’t happen with a formal jet ski GPS.

16. Duct Tape and Zip Ties

You just never know when you’re going to need duct tape and zip ties. Got a whole in your jet ski wetsuit? Use the duck tape. Broken strap on your life jacket? Reach for the zip ties.

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These are also handy for making quick and temporary repairs to your jet ski and tow tubes. Essentially, enough for you to get back to shore and make formal repairs.

17. Salt-Away Jet Ski Wash

A popular Australian chemical is Salt-Away which is designed for your engine bay. Essentially it stops the salt from corroding the engine meaning you’ll get many more hours before it finally needs to be retired.

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Why is it so awesome? Because it’s very affordable and the solution lasts a long time with lots of positive reviews and ratings. Another great alternative is Salt Off by Star Brite as well as the CRC Salt Terminator flush inhibitor.

18. Jet Ski Esky with Fishing Rod Holders

These days you often see people going jet ski fishing with rocket launchers at the rear of their jet ski which is mounted with a cooler or esky. Neat idea!

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The cost on these vary and you can expect to pay between $100 and $250 just for fishing rod holders and anywhere from $200 to $700 for a properly mounted jet ski cooler at the rear. Not cheap, but certainly beats buying a boat!

19. Spare Knife

Getting something clogged in your impellar is the worst feeling in the world. By having a spare knife on hand will really help you get back to riding at full throttle pretty quickly.

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In addition, they can be used if you go jet ski fishing too or to untangle fishing nets. You’ll need to replace these every few months as they will rust out but they are so affordable these days to buy online.

20. Jet Ski Ladder

Most jet skis don’t come with ladders and for the unfit people among us, they certainly can help. It’s really hard when you take a passenger for a ride, go for a swim and then they can’t get back on the jet ski properly without a helping hand from you. A jet ski ladder fixes all of that.

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The aftermarket ladders are made from nylon. Essentially they are lightweight ropes that simply hook on to the rear and won’t get caught up in the propeller. Price? Super affordable. 😀

21. Towable Jet Ski Tubes

Ah yes, there are certainly lots of jet ski tubes that you can tow behind. Keep in mind that the lower horse power jet skis will struggle to tow much weight and so you may be restricted to just one to two small children.

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These tubes can really help you have more fun out there on the waterways as it isn’t just about high speeds and doing jet ski jumps. In addition to the tubes, you’ll need a rope, 12v air pump and repair kit, as well as lifejackets for each rider.

22. Waterproof Flashlight

Sure, you might never ride your jet ski at night time but you have to plan for the worst. Imagine the engine ceasing 1 mile from the boat ramp and you’re stuck out there. You make a call to the Coast Guard for assistance but as the sun is falling, you’re really worried because how will they find you?

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By having a waterproof flashlight in the front locker at all times, you’ll feel much more safer and in control. You can also use this torch when you’re unloading your jet ski at the boat ramp in the very early morning before anyone else gets there, apart from the avid early-morning fishing crew.

23. Spare Water Bottle

When you’re out riding, you typically will drink more water than you anticipated. Worst still – you’ll rock up to the boat ramp without any water with you at all.

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I recommend that you pack a very large water bottle in the front locker before leaving home. Call it the ‘jet ski bottle’ exclusively for the jet ski.

24. Additional Fuel Mount

Yes, you can certainly get additional fuel gas cans as I’ve detailed further up in this guide. The challenge is that proper mounts are hard to come by.

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Sea-Doo and Yamaha make their own but these are expensive to install and it’s generally an option you’ll add when buying your jet ski brand new from the dealership.

25. Handlebar Phone Dock

A slight disclaimer here that I don’t recommend using your phone as a GPS device in warmer conditions, and that’s most riders in the PWC market. If you’re riding in the cooler months, then you can certainly mount your phone on a handlebar dock. I also recommend a waterproof case.

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Yes – it’s quite likely that you will need to drill into your handlebar zone. Jet skis are different clearly than motorcycles and bicycles. If you’re looking to sell your jet ski anytime soon, I probably wouldn’t do this.

26. Marine Wax

To keep your jet ski looking new, it’s best to use some marine wax after each ride. First, you’ll want to wash your jet ski with fresh water, then you’ll want to dry it off before applying wax. I personally like the Meguiars range as they simply are #1 in the marine world.

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27. Multi-tool Pliers

I don’t leave home without my multi-tool by my side when I go adventuring, whether that’s camping, 4x4ing or jet skiing. You just never know when you might need to unscrew something or do a quick fix with some pliers.

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28. Safety Flag

In some stages you’ll be required to have a safety flag. Check your local regulations especially if you’re traveling interstate on a holiday and doing some jet ski camping along the way.

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If you’re also travelling via PWC from Florida to the Bahamas then you may require having a marine country of origin flag on your vessel. I’ve written this Florida-Bahamas riding guide to help you accomplish this safely.

29. Marine Radio

Again – safety is essential out there on the water. Having a marine radio is 200% better than relying on phone signal and there are some VHF radios that also have a GPS built into them with panic buttons too.

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I’ve also written this guide on finding the best and reliable jet ski marine radio so you can contact other marine users while having a unit that lasts for years and years.

Some Extras

What about some extras we haven’t mentioned? Most of these below you won’t need but worth creating a discussion about.

Jet Ski Camera

If you hang within Facebook groups or YouTube channels you often find people with jet ski videos created with GoPro and other cameras. Do you need one? Not really. Should you get one anyway? Well, once you have some experience.

Not only can this be very valuable, but it works like a jet ski dash cam to capture footage in the event you’re in an accident on the waterways. In fact, there have been numerous incredible jet ski crashes caught on film recently.

Cup Holders

Nope. I don’t recommend having cup holders at all. Once you hit a big enough wave, your water bottle will likely launch out and could hit you in the forehead, sending you unconscious. Bad idea! These are only good for storing small towels.

Cooler Bags

It’s a challenge to find a cooler bag small enough to fit within the front locker. If you really need to keep things frozen, then I recommend a cooler box on a rear mount.

Snorkeling Gear

Great idea! Not only can you go snorkeling, but having a mask handy will help you if you need to quickly look under your jet ski or at the propeller if something gets stuck.

In summary

I hope I’ve covered everything here! Let me know if I haven’t and I can add to this list. 🙂

Dealers will recommend you buy just about everything here but honestly, just buy what you need for now especially the safety gear that I mentioned. As your skills grow, you can buy tubes and the fishing gear for the rear.

Jet ski accessories are the type of products you’ll need to have more fun out there on the waterways, as well as being safe and legal. In 2022, it’s time to leave the challenges of the year prior behind and let loose out there on the waves or in the inland waterways.

In this guide, I’ll be showing you the best personal watercraft accessories that you should buy regardless of your make and model. From the popular Yamaha and Sea-Doo riders, across to Kawasaki and even Honda, you’ll find some great options here.

List Of Pwc Accessories
29 best jet ski accessories [#17 is awesome] 121

Jet Ski Safety Accessories Guide

Let’s jump straight into this incredible buying guide. Many of these products you’ll find at your local dealership as well as online, sometimes for cheaper and free delivery.

These are the most popular jet ski accessories of 2022:

1. Phone Dry Bag

Everyone brings their phone on to their jet ski but forgets to bring a dry bag. I recommend that you pack a dry back that lives on the jet ski at all times, even when it’s in storage.

Also – don’t get a cheap one. Look at the quality offerings. I really like the Sea to Summit Big River Dry Bag which is very affordable at this time.

2. Jet Ski Anchor

Most often overlooked by beginners is the need to have a jet ski anchor. You don’t realize how important this is to have until you come up to a beach.

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Jet ski anchors aren’t used for anchoring in 20 feet of water. Instead, you’ll use them for keeping your jet ski from drifting away from the beach when you go for a quick 15 minute break.

I have written a complete guide to jet ski anchors here for beginners.

3. Jet Ski Fenders

Very few people actually have jet ski fenders and they should! Sure – the rails on jet skis are pretty tough but those scratches look terrible.

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Jet Ski Fenders, also called bumpers in some regions, are really built only for personal watercraft. They’re small, light and quite affordable so there isn’t any reason why people would avoid these.

I really like these jet ski fenders which are made for Sea-Doo and Yamaha.

4. Telescopic Jet Ski Paddle

Rarely will you see someone with a jet ski paddle and that’s a good thing! This is more of an emergency device than it is for any other reason.

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Essentially, this comes in hand if you’ve run out of gas, get a flat battery, need to draw attention to yourself or even as a rescue aid. My favourite at this time is the Seachoice series which are the smallest in the market once collapsed, meaning they can fit within the front storage locker of your jet ski.

Some people have also used it in place of a jet ski anchor. You bury it in the sand on the land with some rope tied to it which is connected to your jet ski. You’ll need to bury it fairly deep and at a particular angle to actually be effective, plus you’ll be covered with lots of sand afterwards. For under $50, it’s just easier to buy an anchor.

5. Weather-Proof Cover

Jet Ski Covers are just about mandatory if you want to preserve the value of your jet ski. It not only stops the harsh sun from damaging the paintwork and electronics, but also the rain and bird droppings.

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It’s generally best to get a genuine jet ski cover, not a fake imitation. The real covers use superior materials and generally will last as long as the jet ski does.

Can you use your jet ski cover on the highway? There are mixed reports. Some jet ski riders transport their jet skis on the highway with the cover on and have no problems, while others claim their covers suffered cuts and holes after the first 2 to 3 trips at highway speeds.

Generally it’s unnecessary to use your jet ski cover when traveling on the highway unless it’s very hot and sunny. You’ll also need to be mindful that you have properly clipped everything together.

6. First Aid Kit

Every powered marine user needs to have a first aid kit on hand. Yes, even a small one for your jet ski is enough to get by with the total basics.

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You may suffer injuries when riding such as a cut toe or a pinch when pulling up your jet ski anchor. Knowing that you have something to mend the wound and can continue riding within a few minutes is certainly great peace of mind.

In addition, consider the other marine traffic. Kayakers, surfers and SUP riders might need your assistance out there on the waterways.

7. Jet Ski Safety Flares

Just like having a solid first aid kit, you also need to have safety flares in most areas. These can be very small and it’s unlikely you’ll ever use one.

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Be mindful that these safety flares don’t like heat so it’s best to store them at the very bottom of your storage locker. At the same time, make sure they’re easy to reach as you don’t want to be digging through everything when your jet ski is sinking.

Many jet ski riders fail to check their safety flare expiry dates and only realize their error when it’s time to sell. Keep an eye on those dates and discard your flare safely once it’s past this date. Never use a safety flare just for fun with a few buddies one Sunday afternoon as there are serious fines involved if you are caught.

8. Safety Whistle

On your life jacket you really need to have a safety whistle and in most areas it’s also compulsory. Make sure the cord that’s attaching it is also in good shape.

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The whistle otherwise hardly gets used so just be mindful to check this on occasions for any stuck debris or damage.

9. Swimming Pool Noodle

A swimming pool noodle (aka shock tube) is a brilliant idea to prevent sucking up debris into the rear of your jet ski. That includes seaweed, rocks and tow ropes.

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Yes, these don’t look all that attractive. But what’s also not attractive? Having to spend 2 hours in the water paddling back to shore in order to fix a clogged impeller.

You’ll need to buy these and cut them down to length. They are also excellent for inside your front locker to stop items from being thrown around at high speeds such as your anchor and water bottle.

10. Rubbish Bags

This is so often forgotten about. Generally you’ll take some snacks out there with you for a day jet skiing around, but where do you put your rubbish? It looks terrible inside the front locker.

Q? Encoding=Utf8&Amp;Asin=B073Yp6Jml&Amp;Format= Sl250 &Amp;Id=Asinimage&Amp;Marketplace=Us&Amp;Serviceversion=20070822&Amp;Ws=1&Amp;Tag=Jnt Jetskiadvice 20&Amp;Language=En UsIr?T=Jnt Jetskiadvice 20&Amp;Language=En Us&Amp;L=Li3&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=B073Yp6Jml

Sure, you can dispose of certain foods into the ocean but the plastics must be disposed properly. Get yourself some small rubbish bags that live in the front of the jet ski. They also come in handy as vomit bags if your passenger gets sick.

11. Dock Lines and Rope

Having some rope with your jet ski is very important, both for docking safely but also for towing tubes and other another ski. Consider actually having 2 ropes. One attaches to the dock and the other prevents your jet ski from ‘wandering’ out at the rear.

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By having 2 dock lines, you can also better get on and off the jet ski without tumbling over as it will be locked in the same position. When people go from a stationary dock to a buoyant jet ski, that’s generally when accidents happen.

12. Tracking Device

There are two trains of thought here. You get a Spot Tracker to let your friends and family know where you’re going for the day, while having a safety feature working similar to an EPIRB. The other train of thought is a tracking device to stop theft.

Q? Encoding=Utf8&Amp;Asin=B00C8S8S4W&Amp;Format= Sl250 &Amp;Id=Asinimage&Amp;Marketplace=Us&Amp;Serviceversion=20070822&Amp;Ws=1&Amp;Tag=Jnt Jetskiadvice 20&Amp;Language=En UsIr?T=Jnt Jetskiadvice 20&Amp;Language=En Us&Amp;L=Li3&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=B00C8S8S4W

My recommendation? Just get both. The costs for these have dropped significantly in recent years so you can protect both yourself and your jet ski from potential harm.

13. Spare Life Jacket

You’ve always got that friend who wants to come and ride on your jet ski. You’re reluctant but you eventually give in, but what about a life jacket?

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My recommendation is to always have a 2nd lifejacket on standby. There isn’t any need to buy a brand new one. You can find cheap ones in good quality right off Craigslist, Gumtree or Ebay.

👉 Related: The Best Jet Ski Life Jackets (I’ve looked at dozens of varieties in the market)

14. Security Lock

Securing your jet ski with a lock to either your trailer or the dock will go a long way to prevent jet ski theft. The thieves are out there and they’re looking for opportunities to take your pride and joy away from you.

Q? Encoding=Utf8&Amp;Asin=B079Slq4S5&Amp;Format= Sl250 &Amp;Id=Asinimage&Amp;Marketplace=Us&Amp;Serviceversion=20070822&Amp;Ws=1&Amp;Tag=Jnt Jetskiadvice 20&Amp;Language=En UsIr?T=Jnt Jetskiadvice 20&Amp;Language=En Us&Amp;L=Li3&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=B079Slq4S5

It’s really inexpensive to get yourself a great quality jet ski lock nowadays. Just keep in mind that you can’t leave it locked for months and months in the rain as they typically corrode and rust out.

15. Jet Ski GPS

We’ve written an extensive guide for jet ski gps devices to help you find the right model for you. Essentially, we would certainly recommend getting one.

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Some people claim that you can now do just fine with a mobile phone. The trouble is signal blackspots as well as accidently dropping your phone into the ocean. Even if it’s in a waterproof case that floats, you still run the risk of it overheating in direct sun which won’t happen with a formal jet ski GPS.

16. Duct Tape and Zip Ties

You just never know when you’re going to need duct tape and zip ties. Got a whole in your jet ski wetsuit? Use the duck tape. Broken strap on your life jacket? Reach for the zip ties.

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Q? Encoding=Utf8&Amp;Asin=B07Tg9Vmwy&Amp;Format= Sl250 &Amp;Id=Asinimage&Amp;Marketplace=Us&Amp;Serviceversion=20070822&Amp;Ws=1&Amp;Tag=Jnt Jetskiadvice 20&Amp;Language=En UsIr?T=Jnt Jetskiadvice 20&Amp;Language=En Us&Amp;L=Li3&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=B07Tg9Vmwy

These are also handy for making quick and temporary repairs to your jet ski and tow tubes. Essentially, enough for you to get back to shore and make formal repairs.

17. Salt-Away Jet Ski Wash

A popular Australian chemical is Salt-Away which is designed for your engine bay. Essentially it stops the salt from corroding the engine meaning you’ll get many more hours before it finally needs to be retired.

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Why is it so awesome? Because it’s very affordable and the solution lasts a long time with lots of positive reviews and ratings. Another great alternative is Salt Off by Star Brite as well as the CRC Salt Terminator flush inhibitor.

18. Jet Ski Esky with Fishing Rod Holders

These days you often see people going jet ski fishing with rocket launchers at the rear of their jet ski which is mounted with a cooler or esky. Neat idea!

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The cost on these vary and you can expect to pay between $100 and $250 just for fishing rod holders and anywhere from $200 to $700 for a properly mounted jet ski cooler at the rear. Not cheap, but certainly beats buying a boat!

19. Spare Knife

Getting something clogged in your impellar is the worst feeling in the world. By having a spare knife on hand will really help you get back to riding at full throttle pretty quickly.

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In addition, they can be used if you go jet ski fishing too or to untangle fishing nets. You’ll need to replace these every few months as they will rust out but they are so affordable these days to buy online.

20. Jet Ski Ladder

Most jet skis don’t come with ladders and for the unfit people among us, they certainly can help. It’s really hard when you take a passenger for a ride, go for a swim and then they can’t get back on the jet ski properly without a helping hand from you. A jet ski ladder fixes all of that.

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The aftermarket ladders are made from nylon. Essentially they are lightweight ropes that simply hook on to the rear and won’t get caught up in the propeller. Price? Super affordable. 😀

21. Towable Jet Ski Tubes

Ah yes, there are certainly lots of jet ski tubes that you can tow behind. Keep in mind that the lower horse power jet skis will struggle to tow much weight and so you may be restricted to just one to two small children.

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These tubes can really help you have more fun out there on the waterways as it isn’t just about high speeds and doing jet ski jumps. In addition to the tubes, you’ll need a rope, 12v air pump and repair kit, as well as lifejackets for each rider.

22. Waterproof Flashlight

Sure, you might never ride your jet ski at night time but you have to plan for the worst. Imagine the engine ceasing 1 mile from the boat ramp and you’re stuck out there. You make a call to the Coast Guard for assistance but as the sun is falling, you’re really worried because how will they find you?

Q? Encoding=Utf8&Amp;Asin=B0889Cy99C&Amp;Format= Sl250 &Amp;Id=Asinimage&Amp;Marketplace=Us&Amp;Serviceversion=20070822&Amp;Ws=1&Amp;Tag=Jnt Jetskiadvice 20&Amp;Language=En UsIr?T=Jnt Jetskiadvice 20&Amp;Language=En Us&Amp;L=Li3&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=B0889Cy99C

By having a waterproof flashlight in the front locker at all times, you’ll feel much more safer and in control. You can also use this torch when you’re unloading your jet ski at the boat ramp in the very early morning before anyone else gets there, apart from the avid early-morning fishing crew.

23. Spare Water Bottle

When you’re out riding, you typically will drink more water than you anticipated. Worst still – you’ll rock up to the boat ramp without any water with you at all.

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I recommend that you pack a very large water bottle in the front locker before leaving home. Call it the ‘jet ski bottle’ exclusively for the jet ski.

24. Additional Fuel Mount

Yes, you can certainly get additional fuel gas cans as I’ve detailed further up in this guide. The challenge is that proper mounts are hard to come by.

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Sea-Doo and Yamaha make their own but these are expensive to install and it’s generally an option you’ll add when buying your jet ski brand new from the dealership.

25. Handlebar Phone Dock

A slight disclaimer here that I don’t recommend using your phone as a GPS device in warmer conditions, and that’s most riders in the PWC market. If you’re riding in the cooler months, then you can certainly mount your phone on a handlebar dock. I also recommend a waterproof case.

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Yes – it’s quite likely that you will need to drill into your handlebar zone. Jet skis are different clearly than motorcycles and bicycles. If you’re looking to sell your jet ski anytime soon, I probably wouldn’t do this.

26. Marine Wax

To keep your jet ski looking new, it’s best to use some marine wax after each ride. First, you’ll want to wash your jet ski with fresh water, then you’ll want to dry it off before applying wax. I personally like the Meguiars range as they simply are #1 in the marine world.

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27. Multi-tool Pliers

I don’t leave home without my multi-tool by my side when I go adventuring, whether that’s camping, 4x4ing or jet skiing. You just never know when you might need to unscrew something or do a quick fix with some pliers.

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28. Safety Flag

In some stages you’ll be required to have a safety flag. Check your local regulations especially if you’re traveling interstate on a holiday and doing some jet ski camping along the way.

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If you’re also travelling via PWC from Florida to the Bahamas then you may require having a marine country of origin flag on your vessel. I’ve written this Florida-Bahamas riding guide to help you accomplish this safely.

29. Marine Radio

Again – safety is essential out there on the water. Having a marine radio is 200% better than relying on phone signal and there are some VHF radios that also have a GPS built into them with panic buttons too.

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I’ve also written this guide on finding the best and reliable jet ski marine radio so you can contact other marine users while having a unit that lasts for years and years.

Some Extras

What about some extras we haven’t mentioned? Most of these below you won’t need but worth creating a discussion about.

Jet Ski Camera

If you hang within Facebook groups or YouTube channels you often find people with jet ski videos created with GoPro and other cameras. Do you need one? Not really. Should you get one anyway? Well, once you have some experience.

Not only can this be very valuable, but it works like a jet ski dash cam to capture footage in the event you’re in an accident on the waterways. In fact, there have been numerous incredible jet ski crashes caught on film recently.

Cup Holders

Nope. I don’t recommend having cup holders at all. Once you hit a big enough wave, your water bottle will likely launch out and could hit you in the forehead, sending you unconscious. Bad idea! These are only good for storing small towels.

Cooler Bags

It’s a challenge to find a cooler bag small enough to fit within the front locker. If you really need to keep things frozen, then I recommend a cooler box on a rear mount.

Snorkeling Gear

Great idea! Not only can you go snorkeling, but having a mask handy will help you if you need to quickly look under your jet ski or at the propeller if something gets stuck.

In summary

I hope I’ve covered everything here! Let me know if I haven’t and I can add to this list. 🙂

Dealers will recommend you buy just about everything here but honestly, just buy what you need for now especially the safety gear that I mentioned. As your skills grow, you can buy tubes and the fishing gear for the rear.

Joshua Smith - Editor

Joshua Smith

I became obsessed with the marine industry when I was just 7-years old. Today I’m thrilled to share my knowledge online. When I’m not out there riding, I’m engaging with industry trends and eagerly helping people get more time-freedom online so they can spend more time out there riding their jet skis around.